Liquidity reallocated

Bonds: Liquidity reallocated

After four consecutive days of liquidity declining, yesterday it slightly recovered, up UAH0.21bn to UAH90.67bn, including the usual reallocation of funds. Banks’ correspondent accounts with the NBU fell UAH1.07bn to UAH26.37bn while total CDs outstanding rose UAH1.28bn to UAH64.29bn. Read more

Analytics: Debt refinancing and market volatility

Domestic bond market. The MoF held primary auctions twice last week, mostly to raise significant proceeds for the state budget, but these borrowings were made mostly to finance budget needs in funds for debt repayments scheduled for the last week and for this one. These issues were also supported by the NBU via purchasing government bonds at the secondary market and by the MoF through debt repayments to provide funds to banking sector liquidity while maintaining stability.


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